

One of the most cherished memories couples share is without a doubt the proposal and time of engagement. For years to come you’ll be telling loved ones and strangers alike all about when and how you asked “THE QUESTION”.

Our role is to help you realize your perfect story and bring it to life. 

We not only set the stage for you to have a beautiful engagement, we build it.

  1. We get to know you and gather some key pieces of information about the history and evolution of your relationship. Essentially, what makes it tick.
  2. Based on that information we begin to tailor the experience. With your input we devise the perfect plan. Using trusted vendors that resonate with your unique story we handle isolating all those moving parts.
  3.  We deliver a seamless experience by seeing that every aspect is planned for and managed. For example sudden weather changes may mean a slight change in location, we take care of that.

Our ability to access services and locations are not always readily available to the public and opens a world of possibility. We make sure things go perfectly ranging from an elaborate evening out to an intimate lunch at home. Our experience affords you the opportunity to be completely immersed in the person that you are ready to spend forever with. 

How to propose


Proposing marriage is an exciting and super important time in your life.  My job, as a professional photographer is to help make your events go smoothly to capture awesome photographs however it's so important to know the facts about proposing to the one you love. 


Nothing needs to go wrong on the day you propose, most of all is for your partner to say "NO!" Sounds horrifying right? Take some time to sit with yourself, in quite time and space to determine if this is really what YOU want and that YOU are ready. Ask yourself, some simple questions about the relationship, Are your values the same? List the ways you are compatible, is your partner the person you want to spend the REST of your life with? IS this part easy, no problem answering seeing your future learning and growing together even when life throws you a curve ball? Good now you're ready for the next step. Is if your partner is ready? Relationships naturally lead to conversations about marriage when two people want it. If this talk hasn't happened yet, go ahead and start the conversation. Take your time and let this happen naturally, you have the rest of your lives anyway if it's the right this so make sure YOU KNOW your partner is ready too BEFORE proposing. 


As a sign of respect to the family and your partner, even though this may seem old school, this is one tradition that our society has held on to and it should be considered BEFORE a proposal. Contact the parents and ask to get together in person when possible.  If distance is an issue then writing a formal letter, calling or planning a Skype meeting will work. 


Presenting the ring is a sign of your commitment, makes the moment real, and is a timeless tradition that your partner will be expecting. It can be hard to select THE perfect ring, ask family and friends who would know what your partner would like and research. Find out their ring style and size by looking at your their existing jewelry, asking their friends and family, or seeing a trustworthy jeweler. If you absolutely can’t decide on a ring, at least propose with a placeholder ring.


The first question people will ask is “How did he/she propose?” Having a plan is one of the most important but often overlooked details of this special time in your lives. Have a proposal concept that will be a story worth telling your children and your grandchildren. Consider how, when, and where you’ll propose. Have a Plan B in case something goes wrong. Hire a Proposal Planner to take care of all of the details for you to minimize your stress.

Ensure that you give your partner the proposal they dream of by hiring Phoebe Landrum Photography for custom proposal planning services, we handle everything from start to finish so that your proposal goes off without a hitch.